5 Easy Tips in Maintaining Pure Pearl Jewelry

Pearl jewelries are elegant and timeless, but they would not last for a very long time if not taken care of properly.

Pearl contains an organic material called nacre which means that they cannot be cleaned and maintained the same way as other types of jewelry. If you want your pearl jewelries to last, check out this quick and easy techniques in taking care of them:

pearl necklace

1. Wear them frequently

The easiest way to maintain a pearl is by constantly wearing it. Pearls flourish in moist environments, otherwise it will dry out and become brittle. So, instead of storing it in their box, wear your pearl jewelry regularly so it could absorb moisture from the environment or from your skin.

2. Wipe them regularly

Although wearing the pearls often is the key to keep it from getting brittle, it could however cause staining due to its exposure to sweat, body oils, and other pollutants. The best way to prevent staining is by wiping them with soft cloth every after wear.

3. Avoid exposing them in heat

Pearls should not be exposed to intense heat because they risk drying out. But don’t worry, pearls may still be worn on warm sunny days. You should avoid, however, placing them in places with direct sunlight for a long time, or on top of hot surfaces. 

4. Get yearly inspections

To ensure your jewelry’s longevity, you can bring your pearls to a professional jeweler for check-up and for thorough cleaning. You can also replace the strings for your pure pearl necklace or bracelets regularly to avoid snapping.

5. Store them properly

A good way to store the pearls is by laying them flat to avoid the strands from stretching out. You also should avoid storing them close to other harder types of jewelry to avoid any potential scratching. Avoid storing them in plastic containers because plastics emit chemicals that can accelerate the deterioration of the pearl.
